Books Suitable for Continuing Adult Education
Annotated Acts of the Apostles
Annotated Encyclical On Liberalism and Religious Indifferentism (Mirari Vos) by Pope Gregory XVI
Annotated Encyclical On the Christian Constitution of States (Immortale Dei) by Pope Leo XIII
Annotated Encyclical On the Nature of Human Liberty (Libertas) by Pope Leo XIII-
Annotated Epistle of St. James
Annotated Epistle to the Ephesians
Annotated Epistle to the Hebrews
Annotated Holy Gospel of St. John
Annotated Holy Gospel of St. Luke (A helpful and illustrated version for high school students)
Annotated Holy Gospel of St. Matthew
Annotated Sacred Book of Exodus
Annotated Sacred Book of Genesis
Annotated Sacred Book of Kings-1
Annotated “Comedy of Errors” by William Shakespeare
Annotated “Merchant of Venice” by William Shakespeare
Baltimore Catechism #3
Biology for High School
Garcia Moreno: President of Ecuador (Annotated)
Introduction to Papal Encyclicals
Introduction to Sacred Scripture
Isabella of Spain
Nature Observations and Experiments with Jean Henri Fabre
On Kingship – Book One, by St. Thomas Aquinas (Annotated)
Sermons of the Cure of Ars
The Betrothed
The Chemical History of a Candle
The Facts About Luther (Annotated)
Understanding and Appreciating Beautiful Music
United States History